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Feedback and Complaints

We want to hear from you!

At Niagara Support Services (NSS) we do our best to make sure that the people we support, their families and those in our community have an opportunity to share their concerns, questions and ideas.

We all stand to gain from open communication. Whether it is used to answer a question, solve a problem or share a success, communication is the key.

Actions taken to resolve concerns or complaints will follow these guiding principles:

  • Complaints are dealt with right away and resolved as quickly as possible.
  • Complaints are confidential and protect the person’s privacy.
  • The complaint review is fair, does not take sides and is respectful to everyone involved.
  • The person with the complaint may speak to someone else if they are not satisfied with how they are treated or how the issue is dealt with.
  • The person with the complaint will be told the reasons for how decisions about the complaint are made.
  • The person with the complaint will be kept up to date while the complaint is being reviewed.
  • Complaints are used to help improve services, policies and procedures.

If you have a concern that you would like to bring to our attention:

Step 1: 
Try to solve the problem with the people involved. Talk to them calmly, let them know your issue and see if you can solve the problem together. You can make your complaint by talking to them or in writing.

Step 2:
If you feel that the issue has not been resolved to your satisfaction, you can communicate with us through our Contact Us page here, and the most appropriate person will reply to you. Before contacting you, they will talk to staff to find out what has already been done about resolving the issue.

Step 3:
If your issue cannot be resolved to your satisfaction through NSS’s internal complaints-handling process, we will let you know what other options you may have available to you.

Niagara Support Services is committed to providing you with the best possible services, and we welcome your feedback, comments and opinions.


We can help! Click the button below to get in touch.
